Quantifying eruption source parameters from tephra fallout deposits
Physical volcanology course
Sébastien Biass, Riccardo Simionato, Corin Jorgenson, Tom Sheldrake
April 24 2023
The aim of this lab is to apply techniques to quantify eruption source parameters (ESP) from tephra fall deposits. This includes:
- From field measurements at the outcrop level, producing isopach and isopleth maps;
- Calculating critical ESP such as plume height, tephra volume and mass and mass eruption rate;
- Estimating the magnitude and the intensity of an eruption;
Compute all parameters and discuss all points that are highlighted
in the text. The lab uses the tephra fall deposit Layer 5 of Cotopaxi volcano in Ecuador, which is a black scoriaceous lapilli fallout with an age of 1,180±80 years B.P. and a whole-rock silica content of 58 wt.% 12. Thickness and maximum clast measurements at each outcrop are provided. It is time consuming to estimate the areas of isopach and isopleth, so use the data provided separately.
You are provided with the following files:
Volume of the tephra fallout deposit
The volume of tephra deposits is estimated from isopach maps by integrating the area below a curve plotting the logarithm of the thickness of isopach contours (y-axis) against the square-root of the isopach area (x-axis). On such plots, the exponential segment method of Fierstein & Nathenson (1992)3 states that a thickness \(T\) at any \(x\) value can be expressed as:
Equation 1
with \(T_0\) being the maximum deposit thickness, \(k\) the slope of the exponential segment and \(\sqrt{A}\) the square root of the isopach area. Based on the assumption of ellipsoidal shapes of isopachs Fierstein & Nathenson (1992)3 estimate the volume as:
Equation 2
Estimate the volume of Layer 5 using the 1-exponential segment method of Fierstein & Nathenson (1992)3 using the isopach map shown in Figure 1:
In Excel, import the isopach data provided in Table 1 and plot the thickness (\(cm\)) versus the square-root of the area (\(km\)) as a scatter plot. Change the y-axis to a logarithmic scale
Fit an exponential trendline and display its equation to estimate the intersect (\(T_0\)) and the thinning rate (\(k\)) as in Equation 1
Note on units
\(T_0\) as expressed from the equation is now in the same unit as the y-axis. You need to convert it to a unit consistent with the x-axis in order to calculate the volume, which will have the same unit to the cube.
For instance, if both \(sqrt(A)\) and \(T_0\) are in \(km\), then the volume will be in \(km^3\).
Calculate the
of the tephra fallout deposit using Equation 2 -
Estimate the corresponding
using the diagram in Fig. 2 from Newhall and Self (1982)4 -
Convert the volume to a mass using a bulk density of 1000 \(kg/m^3\) and calculate the associated
following Pyle (2000)5:
Equation 3
Table 1: Isopach data for Layer 5 of Cotopaxi volcano
Isopach area (km\(^2\)) | Thickness (cm) |
46 | 100 |
85 | 50 |
130 | 30 |
330 | 20 |
387 | 10 |
685 | 5 |
Plume height
The method of Carey & Sparks (1986)6 relies on the construction of theoretical envelopes within which the vertical velocity of the column and the terminal velocity of a clast of specified size and density are equal. Based on this, the crosswind and downwind ranges of isopleth maps can be used to estimate plume height and wind speed. This method method was further updated by Rossi et al. (2019)7 to account for a better parametrisation of physical processes in the plume (e.g., plume rise, settling velocity of particles).
Calculate the plume height (\(km\) above vent) with the method of Rossi et al. (2019)7 (Fig. 3). The provided map contains measurements of maximum lithics (density of \(2500\ kg/m^3\)). This method works with isopleth contour values of 1.6 and 3.2 \(cm\), so make sure to contour isopleth accordingly. Assume a mean sampling elevation of 2500 \(m\ asl\). Cotopaxi has an elevation of 5700 \(m\ asl\).
- Contour isopleths on the provided map. Make sure you contour values that are presented in Figure 3.
- Measure the downwind and crosswind ranges of the deposit and report them on Figure 3 to estimate a plume height above mean sampling elevation.
- Calculate the
plume height
and thewind speed
as an average value of the results obtained from the different plots considered. Please also indicate the associated variation (i.e. ±(max-min)/2). Make sure to subtract the average height of sampling from the height obtained with the nomograms in order to derive the height above the vent.
Mass eruption rate
Based on early theoretical studies of plume dynamics, Wilson & Walker (1987)8 relate the height of a plume to the MER, with the height \(H\) being proportional to the fourth root of the MER (\(kg\ s^{−1}\)). More recently, Degruyter and Bonadonna (2012)9 have proposed a new analytical expressions relating height and MER that accounts for the variability of the plume parameters and atmospheric conditions:
Equation 4
Use the following values:
- \(\rho_{a0}\): reference density of the surrounding atmosphere (use 1.2259 kg m\(^{-3}\))
- \(g'\): reduced gravity at the source (use 45.6525 m s\(^{-2}\))
- \(\alpha\): radial entrainment coefficient (use 0.1)
- \(\bar{N}\): average buoyancy frequency across the plume height (use 0.0156 s\(^{-1}\))
- \(H\): plume height (m above the vent)
- \(\beta\): wind entrainment coefficient (use 0.5)
- \(\bar{v}\) average wind velocity across the plume height (use 8.7 m s\(^{-1}\)). Note that the average wind speed along the plume should be smaller than the wind speed that you have derived with the method of Rossi et al. (2019), which is the maximum wind speed at tropopause
Estimate the
mass eruption rate
; \(kg\ s^{-1}\)) using the method of Degruyter and Bonadonna (2012)9 and the height obtained from isopleth maps. Note that this technique provides the peak MER of the eruption. -
Use the MER to calculate the associated
following Pyle (2000)5
Equation 5
This exercise provided an introduction on the characterisation of eruption source parameters from tephra fallout deposits, which is a critical process to infer the eruptive histories of volcanic systems from their stratigraphy. Namely, we learned:
- How to calculate the volume of tephra deposits from isopach maps;
- How to estimate the maximum plume height and wind speed from isopleth maps;
- How to compute the peak mass eruption rate from plume height and wind speed;
- How to estimate VEI, magnitude and intensity of eruptions.
Further reading
This list contains some references for the characterisation of tephra deposits.
Characterization of tephra-fall deposits
- Thorarinsson (1954)10
- Wilson (1972)11
- Walker (1973)12
- Wright et al (1980)13
- Walker (1980)14
- Carey and Sparks (1986)6
- Sparks (1986)15
- Wilson and Walker (1987)8
- Cas and Wright (1988)16
- Houghton and Carey (2015)17
Volume calculation
- Pyle (1989)18
- Fierstein and Nathenson (1992)3
- Legros (2000)19
- Sulpizio (2005)20
- Bonadonna and Houghton (2005)21
- Bonadonna and Costa (2013)22
- Burden et al (2013)23
- Daggitt et al (2014)24
- Engwell et al (2015)25
- Yang and Bursik (2016)26
- Nathenson (2017)27
Mass eruption rate
- Wilson and Walker (1987)8
- Degruyter and Bonadonna (2012)9
- Woodhouse et al (2013)28
- Mastin et al (2009)29
Uncertainty assessment
- Biass and Bonadonna (2011)2
- Cioni et al (2011)30
- Engwell et al (2013)31
- Biass et al (2014)32
- Klawonn et al (2014a)33
- Klawonn et al (2014b)34
- Bonadonna et al (2015)35
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Walker GPL. The Taupo pumice: product of the most powerful known (ultraplinian) eruption. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 1980;8:69–94. ↩
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Cas RAF, Wright J. Volcanic successions, modern and ancient: a geological approach to processes, products, and successions. London: Allen & Unwin; 1988. ↩
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Pyle D. The thickness, volume and grainsize of tephra fall deposits. Bull Volcanol 1989;51:1–5. ↩
Legros F. Minimum volume of a tephra fallout deposit estimated from a single isopach. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 2000;96:25–32. ↩
Sulpizio R. Three empirical methods for the calculation of distal volume of tephra-fall deposits. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 2005;145:315–36. ↩
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