Awesome Volcano Resources 🌋
A curated list of resources for volcanology.
This list curates a collection of useful resources in volcanology.
Computer codes
Hazard assessment
Tephra dispersal and fallout
- Tephra2: 2D model for ground tephra accumulation written in C with some additional functions in Matlab (reference).
- TephraProb: Probabilistic hazard assessment for tephra fallout written in Matlab (reference).
- Fall3d: 3D atmospheric tephra dispersal (reference).
- LagTrack: Particle tracking tool written in Matlab (reference).
- GBF: Probabilistic hazard assessment for ballistic impacts written in Matlab (post processing) (reference).
Lava flow inundation
- Molasses: Lava flow inundation model written in C (reference).
- Q-LavHA: Probabilistic hazard assessment for lava inundation in QGis (reference).
- MrLavaLoba: Stochastic model for stochastic for pahōehoe lava flow inundation written in Python (reference).
- PyFlowGo: Python version of FLOWGO for lava flow inundation (reference).
Lahars & PDCs inundation
- ECMapProb: Probability maps of PDC inundation using a modified energy cone model approach (reference).
- LaharFlow: Model of lahar dynamics on evolving topography. Only as a web interface.
- LaharZ: Statistical model to estimate lahar inundation. Requires ArcGIS (reference)
Eruption history & analogues
Exposure & impact assessment
- VolcGIS: Python framework for exposure analyses (reference).
Deposit characterisation
- Tephra2 inversion: Tephra2 inversion method written in C with some post-processing tools in Matlab (reference).
- CareySparks86_Matlab Matlab implementation of the Carey and Sparks (1986) model to estimate plume height from isopleth data (reference).
- TephraFits: Matlab function to estimate the volume of and characterise tephra deposits from field-based methods (reference).
- TOTGS: Calculation of the total grain-size distribution of tephra deposits using the VORONOI method in Matlab (reference).
- AshCalc: Calculation of the volume of tephra deposits in Python (reference).
Miscellaneous tools
- CDSAPItools: Python functions to download wind and atmospheric data from ERA5 formatted to work with different models (e.g., TephraProb, Fall3d)
- TopoToolbox: Matlab library for terrain analyses (reference).