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Contribute to the teaching material

This website is stored as a project site Github page and is stored on the CERG-C github repository. The documentation is written in Markdown, and built into a website using the static website generator MkDocs with the Material for MkDocs theme. Building and deploying the website requires some knowledge of Python and Git.

Software requirement


Contributing to the course requires a Github account. So make one, then send me an email so I can add you to the organisation/repository.


It is recommended to install pandoc before installing the Python dependencies.

Old Mac OS versions

On older (e.g., 10.x) versions of MacOS, installing pandoc with Homebrew can be problematic. In which case, revert to the packaged distributions.

Installing the website

Setting up a Python environment

It is recommended to setup the website in a Conda environment rather than on the system's Python distribution. For an environment named teaching, create it using:

conda create -n teaching python=3.9

Then activate it using:

conda activate teaching 

Installing dependencies

Install the following Python dependencies:

pip install mkdocs-material mike mkdocstrings livereload mkdocs-jupyter mkdocs-bibtex mkdocs-encryptcontent-plugin

Python versions on Mac OS

If pip complains about a 2.7 Python version, use pip3 instead.

Contributing to the course

The teaching content is located in the folder docs/Teaching, where sub-folder contain Bachelor, Master and CERG. Create a sub-folder in the relevant folder and create the following sub-folders - A sub-folder named img/ that will contain all images - A file called that will be the landing page of your course.

Writing the documentation

The documentation is written in Markdown, which is a simple and elegant typesetting language. For an introduction to Markdown, check out the cheatsheet.

Further cool features are complemented with the use of the Material for MkDocs theme. These include:

Check out the reference page of the Material for MkDocs documentation for more info.

Linking files

All internal links to the website (i.e., both to files and images) use relative path to the location of the current page. Within a single class, can be linked within by a simple [link](

This path must be adapted to link files between classes. For instance, can be referenced in using [link](../../Master/MasteClass/


Bibtex-style of referencing is accepted using the mkdocs-bibtex. The master .bib file is includes/bibliography.bib. Please add your reference to the existing list. In-text citations are then achieved as:

According to Newhall and Self (1982)[^1]


A glossary exists in includes/ Each entry will automatically be formatted at the bottom of the page that contains the term following this. Add your own abbreviations to this list.

Extra files

Deploying the website

Local deployment

To deploy the website locally, run the following command from the root of the directory (i.e., at the same level as the mkdocs.yml file):

mkdocs serve

Remote deployment

We use mike to keep track of versions. The active version is always set with the latest label, so make sure it is set by default. From the root of the CERG-C repository, run from the terminal:

mike set-default latest

When working on a new version, push the website using a dummy label - here test.

mike deploy --push --update-aliases 2022.1 test

When happy with your changes, use the latest label.

mike deploy --push --update-aliases 2022.1 latest

Different versions are accessible with their version numbers. For instance, the url of version 2022.1 is

Keep track of versions!

Log the purpose of the versions here!

Mike, don't push me

mike pushes the build version of the webpage to the remote gh-page branch. For collaboration, it is also necessary to synchronise the main branch that contains the class Markdown files.

  1. Newhall CG, Self S. The volcanic explosivity index (VEI)- An estimate of explosive magnitude for historical volcanism. Journal of Geophysical Research 1982;87:1231–8.